The following is from the Physics Department
Working and studying together is a crucial part of learning. The Physics Department wants
everyone to feel welcomed and respected in class, in the lab, in study groups, and in the
Physics Department building.
Comments reflecting stereotypes based on ethnic background, religion, gender, or sexual
orientation are always inappropriate , whether they be compliments, insults, or jokes. Their
effects can be demeaning, demoralizing, or dehumanizing, even when not intended to be so.
People who experience harassment (which includes persistent, unwanted attention) or
discrimination may not feel comfortable reporting it. If you are unsure what behavior qualifies
or what the repercussions of reporting would be, you can reach out to several strictly
confidential offices on Campus to unpack and review your concerns. The Office of the
Ombuds (at or at 805-893-3285), the Campus Advocacy,
Resources, and Education (CARE) office (at or at the 24 hour
hotline 805- 893-4613), the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) ( at or at 805-893-4411), and the Academic
& Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) office (at or at 805-893-4613), can
all provide assistance and can offer you strict confidentiality.
If you witness someone suffering from hazing or harassment, or if you have any concerns
about the social climate in the department, you can help. You can speak up in the moment, or
you can ask the target(s) of the behavior how they felt about the behavior they experienced,
and let them know you feel the behavior was inappropriate. You can also report the behavior
to Physics Department administrators and/or faculty members. Please be proactive and help
ensure everyone gets the respect and courtesy they deserve.
If you find yourself avoiding department areas or in other ways curtailing your learning
opportunities because of someone else’s behavior, please report the behavior to Physics
Department administrators and/or a faculty member. We want to help.
Any faculty or staff member you feel comfortable approaching is a good choice. You
can find faculty in positions that may be particularly relevant to the behavior you witness or
experience at Staff members
in relevant positions might include
Jean Dill and Earnest Cooper Jr - Staff Advisors, Undergraduates - x4567, rooms 3019C&D,
Jennifer Farrar - Staff Advisor, Graduate Students - x4646, room 3019F,
To report hazing or harassment to someone outside the Department, you may contact the
Office of Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance at , or the Office of Judicial Affairs at .